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Director Agunda Foundation 

Jennifer Hogue is the stateside director of the Agunda Foundation. She came alongside Hilary and Elizabeth Agunda in 2016 to help grow the ministry of the Agunda Children's Home. Since then, she has helped with raising funds and implementing plans that helped Hilary and Elizabeth fulfill their vision for the ACH to move out of Nairobi to the countryside for better living for the children, purchase two acres of land for farming and a future home, continue the education of the children through university or trade school, and start the widow program. 

Jennifer resides in Southwest Florida. She visits the family in Kenya multiple times a year to love on the kids and partner with Hilary and Elizabeth for the sustaining and continuation of the ACH. 

"What Hilary and Elizabeth were doing for these kids, even in their poverty, was inspiring. With every little bit we saw them help more and more kids. From the beginning, they made me part of the family. Here I am a director but there I am a mom. I don't know if I adopted them or they adopted me but we are all a beautiful family!"  -Jennifer Hogue

Our Children's Home Parents 

Hilary and Elizabeth Agunda founded the Agunda Children's Home and have added many orphans and vulnerable children to their family. They love and serve every member of the family equally. Daily they provide for every member of the family with devotions and spiritual development in the morning and the evening. The children are all taught how to lead worship, Bible study, share testimonies of God’s grace in their lives and to reach out in love and serve others.

“What we do is a calling but it is the love for those who are vulnerable that drives us and we believe that we can make a positive difference in the lives of these children and our country by giving our lives to care for those who cannot pay back.”                            - Hilary (ACH Father)

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